"Hammer Time" - WITCO Desperadoes (2013 Panorama Large Band FINALS)
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I try.. I really try to understand what more is needed of DESPERADOES. This shouldn't be after all this time but it hurts..it really does. Incidentally does anyone have a copy of the groove (slow) tempo of the final version of this musical gem of an arrangement by Robbie ( Thank you, Thank you so much for the love Robbie). If anyone has PLEASE SHARE. BERTIE, WE MISS YOU.
These Judges did the same thing to Desperadoes when they played Band From Space. The female American Professor from UWI said the arrangement was a TEXT BOOK arrangement and she will use it to teach her students and that same night the late Berklee Professor Orville Wright told Alvin Daniel that Desperadoes is the winner. These two professors were Music Analyst that final night. The hidden problem is the Pan Trinbago President is a West Band executive and they hire many of their judges with West Bands affiliations. Years ago Pan Trinbago have used many of the Military and Police Band Directors, they are now using some of their friends and leaving out top musicians like Leston Paul, Errol Ince and a whole lot of musicians like the Boothman's and Marcial Brothers who understands chord structure. Basically the Judging is all about JAMMING AND WINING on stage. Hence the reason I say the bands have to request foreign musicians along with the locals because of judges having their own bands. These judges visits their favorite steelbands panyards regularly and they can be seen mingiling with the management of these bands. There should be rules to prevent this dishonest move.
I really listened to this Panorama with a critical ear for music and I had Despers right up there with Phase II ......by far these two bands excelled the music and performance of the other bands. I was terribly disappointed with the placing of Despers.. In my opinion they should have been in the top two.
Good job Robert and Despers and god job Boogsie and the Phase
I listened to comments by Etienne on a live broadcast and he intoned that music wise [technical detail] - Despers and Phase 2 are the only 2 bands who pushed the envelope technically. He said the others were 1 - 5 all the way with no experimentation with 7th and 9th chords etc. that a music judge should be able to easily pick up.
Despers was mis-judged - end of story.
As a former TSA player and current fan, i truly believe that the judges did an injustice to Despers. At least 3rd place should have been theirs,that is my opinion.
It's probably Hard to be a judge and it's probably Harder to be judged,but having said that,these judges didn't thief,I think they "FRIGGING TIEF"! O.K. Phase 2 first,All Stars second...maybe, but the other named bands above Despers? No way in hell or anywhere else!As for the arguement of Despers playing over time,that's Crap,they played for 8:20.71 which is well within the accepted limit of 8 mins plus a leeway of 30 secs.The judges just had an agenda of their own,that's all.
No one has had anything to say about this?
Sweet, melodic, beautiful harmonies and variations. Robert Greenidge clearly has a handle on how to arrange for this special band with its mellower tuning and strong mid-range and bass sections. Touching tribute to The Hammer from his heirs and some contemporaries. Why did they not place higher?