Interview with NCC Chairman Patrick Arnold

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Interview with NCC Chairman Patrick Arnold for Carnival 2012

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  • And BTW, I also like what Kaiso had to say!

  • Finally ,Mr Arnold acknowledges that the panyards are boring during the Carnival season with the "one tune" being practiced incessantly.

    The panyards should be Steelband entertainment centers during the carnival season, where bands could display a repertoire of contemporary music, instead they spend all their time practicing the one tune  for panorama.

    And even from his position at the NCC, he doesn't seem to see the vacuum in T&T Carnival without the participation of the steelbands on the streets.

    He see's the problem but he is afraid to address the cause.

    If the steel bands are to regain their place as an integral part of the street parade, they would have to prepare for it, and approach it in a professional manner.

    But with a coordinated effort by Government, The NCC and PanTrinbago it can be done, if there is real desire to preserve the traditional role of the steelband in Trinidad's Carnival.

  • Mr Arnold - when will your committee put a strategy in place to protect Pan and ensure that it is profitable for the bands to come out on Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

    Enough lip-service - when could we expect to see dedicated routes for SteelBand only so they don't have to compete with the annoying DJ's.

    Do you think tourist leave their home to come to TT to listen to a DJ. No they would be more impressed with Pan and iron, certainly a unique experience.

    Please let's put plans in action to save Pan as we know it before it's too late.


  • I was educated by Mr. Patrick Arnold about his important contribution to the evolution of Pan i.e. building an instrument with the full drum and cutting to the required length. Congratulations Sir. I'm pleased to hear that you have progressive ideas for the culture and putting pan back on de road. Have a safe and enjoyable 2012 Carnival. Are we in Global Village have the opportunity to see the 2012 Carnival Monday and Tuesday. Last year there was a group that gave us excellent HD from early am which my 93 year old Trini Dad and former mas man with Sally, enjoyed. Apparently this year there is none ah dat  EVEN AS A PAY PER VIEW PRODUCT, START THE MARKETING NOW. PLEASE DO SOMETHING FUH DE CARNIVAL.

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