Invaders - On the Eve of Prelims 2012

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Invaders daytime practice on the eve of the preliminaries performing "Yuh know ah like it!"

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  • Sounding good but hearing a lill bit of Boogsie thrown in.

  • Yes Invaders does have young players and they can play with the best. T he feature of Invaders is the ability to provide Trust among the members with a strong family like bond, The band is also very disciplined and encourages respect to all.

    invaders have a great tune this year which has being arranged with lots of "sweet' parts, by Mr. Arddin Herbert, beware of them , this band to win Panorama.

  • i can't believe this the big band  Invaders,,,only kids playing ,all old heads move on..

    almost look like a school band..

  • stepping in the right direction, nice harmony

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