Iron Love FINAL arranged by Kemi Ible

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  • Story Time with Mr. Sanch Posted by Simeon L. Sandiford – Kemi Revisits Iron Love

    2019 was a successful year for the young soca diva Nailah Blackman, granddaughter of the man who invented the genre, Garfield Blackman, (also known as Lord Shorty and Ras Shorty I). Nailah’s song Iron Love received critical acclaim and earned the legendary @Desperadoes Steel Orchestra second berth at the National Panorama Finals held on Saturday, March 02nd.

    2019 was also the year in which the aspiring entrepreneur Kemi Ible graduated from the Department of Creative and Festival Arts with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. She specialized in classical guitar, alongside steelpan and voice. As part of her class requirements for Pan Arranging II, students were required to arrange a full-scale panorama selection of choice and Kemi submitted Iron Love for large band category.

    The tempo of the song is 108 beats per minute. It is a six-minute orchestration for tenor, double tenor, double second (strum), double second (melody), guitar, quadrophonic, cello, tenor bass and g bass/7 bass in the keys C# minor, F major, and D minor. “I went for a blended calypso and classical feel with a touch of Renegades’ Pan in ‘A’ Minor. I used Lord Shorty’s original ‘Iron Man’ phrasing in the minor section as a tribute to him”, she says.

    Kemi has created a social media Podcast and Website entitled ‘For the Most Part’, managed by her brother Eoin Ible. She aspires to read for a Master’s Degree at the UWI School of Education beginning this academic year. Godspeed and best wishes to you, dear cousin.

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