It is Well with My Soul (2 versions) Played by Bede Lopez

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I was inspired by a young man name Theron Urbano to merge these 2 versions together since he likes the Song "It's well with my soul".

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  • Merry Christmas this 2015 everybody, "it's always well with my soul"

  • I see the Spanish blood showing up in your music man, don't worry it happen to me too, my mother's Venezuelan and father's Brazilian Portuguese blood showed up in mine's as well, one thing good about it though, it blend's well...

  • HEY BEDE; I"m seeing and hearing U in the Video, I SEE U STILL HAVE THE TOUCH MAN, but what's with the TUMMY? Ha Ha Ha...

  • Happy Easter everyone, It is well with my Soul

  • As always good soothing playing Bede.

  • Bede this is well with everybody's soul

    Great job


  • I was inspired by a young man name Theron Urbano to merge these 2 versions together since he likes the song "It's well with my soul". 

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