Jimi Phillip

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Performance- April 2014

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  • Thank you Bro. Salah.

  • Clean and Sweet Jimi ....Great job..as usual

  • Thanks Mr.Ghany and thank you Mr.Lopez.

  • What a GREAT performance...Keep "PAN" alive....

  • Good performance Jimi,

  • Thank you miss de Coteau, you are always inspiring.You have me smiling now.

  •  Congratulations Jimi. Earl Philip gave you an interesting introduction. I admire your brilliant performances 

      your inventions and innovations. A smile as you perform would further enhance your performance. Well done!

  • Mr. De. Thank you very much. I did not realise the talking until I watched the video. I can't remember hearing it while I was performing.

  •  And thank you Jerry. Yes, I hope to make it for pan alive.

  • I enjoy Mr Phillip performance very much, The brother is good, But I will say this, Mr Phillip have a lot of patience with those people who was talking from start to finish.

    I always say if you want to talk,Stay home,Go outside,Just shut up.Other people want to enjoy the show.I gone.

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