J'Ouvert 2010

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Steelbands rule New York for J'Ouvert 2010 click for more http://www.panonthenet.com/news/2010/sep/jouvert2010-9-5-10.htm

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  • The J' ouvert could have been better, it was still good. We need more Pan!!! Strictly Pan!!!!
  • Excellent! Thanks for this and all the other pan food you feed us.

  • Thank you , Pan Times for a small taste of the J'ourvert. My bus arrived late from Boston, so I missed it.

    I just love pan on the road. Pan grew up on the streets, which I still think is its natural habitat.

    To me, you haven't really beat pan if you've never experienced beating pan as the sun rises on a J'ouvert morning.

    It would have been nicer, though if Pan Times had given us a few minutes of each band instead of brief snippets.

    That way we could get a better feel for what the bands were doing on the road.

    After all, the members of this site are pan jumbies, not tourists.

    You guys have provided an outstanding service to the steelband community by providing us this forum, and have given us a great opportunity to interact as pan lovers .

    You have done what the official steelband authorities have failed to do.

    No one appreciates it more than me, and I really hate being a critic.

    But sometimes you give the appearance of being more interested in promoting your logo, instead of the performances.
  • Fabulous to see from your point of view.......I was there after a few yeas, and I had a blast. Without J'Ouvert Carnival is nothing!!!! We Trinis know that. Thanks WST for the footage.
  • Hot.Hot.Hot with a Carnival happening,Good Work....
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