Justin Bieber - Sorry Cover (Alternative Quartet Soca Version)

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Be enthralled by the rich and enchanting sounds of the Caribbean's No.1 String ensemble. Alternative Quartet comprises of award winning musicians that have encompassed the essence of their craft. This magnificent display of musical dexterity and fortitude is what makes their music unique and timelessly captivating. Executive Producer - Chad Ramkhelawan Producer - Andre J Donawa Extra Production - Donadoni Productions String Arrangement - Wasia Ward and Andre J Donawa Mixing and Mastering - Precision Productions Make up - Jau Mark Pierre Film Production - Sean Padmore & Sheldon Buckmire Violin - Andre Comeau Violin- Vanessa Emperatriz Lopez Carrasco Violin - Andre J Donawa Cello - Wasia Ward www.alternativequartet.net

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