Justin Redz Richardson Arrangement...'GOLD'

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R.I.P Maestro

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  • JWD.. great arrangement hope to hear it with a Band 

  • Electronics or not....sounds pretty good!
  • I use reason 4 to do my arrangements. Thanks for the feedback
  • Brenda there are ways and means  for one to express themselves guaranteed, if you do follow me, ,,there is a simple word that I do use and that is  ETIQUETTE., nevertheless  recently I had  needed some info after making a comment, whereby you yourself had informed me /NB,in a different manner, quite ethical and humble, not a question followed by a question,, ,and I would repeat it once to err is human,,no one is perfect,, what I can say is that you are a genuine person Brenda,take care and my respect to all on WST.

  •  Mr Quail I had made a comment  lately and you are exercising the said attitude with reference to what I had mentioned,thus my reason for being silent for a long while,,but trust me brother ,henceforth my mouth is sealed,, with great respect for you I do close,God Bless.

  • Mr Quail I do believe that to err is human and ,,,,nieman is volmacht/Dutch,,, meaning no one is perfect,,so if ever I had made a mistake I do think that there are other ways in correcting or helping that person who may be Low Tech ,,but not in  the blunt and unethical manner you have explained yourself,,with respect for you I do voice my opinion ,for had it being myself having such knowledge I would have guaranteed founded another manner in explaining to that person,God Bless.

  • What tuner??. Don't you know electronics when you hear it??.
  • Firstly is that the rhythm section the chord Pans is superbly played,ah remember the rajun and the banjo,,second and lastly is this arrangement is perfectly and profesionally  executed ,is three times now a replaying the said tune ,,really, really good, it  would be a pleasure to know the Tuner of these Steelpans,,keep on going on fellas,nuf respect 

  • Nice!, what program did u use to do the arrangement?

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