Khuent Rose - UpClose - A WST Exclusive Interview - Steelpan Music

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Meet Khuent Rose - Educator, Arranger, Composer and Performing ‪Steelpan‬ Music Artist - UpClose! read more “….Coming from the Brooklyn genesis of pan - it was the pan yard, you know? It has always been the panyard. You fall in love with the panyard. Even people that come from the academy, that come from the school, and have any kind of experience with the panyard – they fall in love with it. It's visceral. It's like eating - ribs with your finger- it just does that to you.... Sometimes the people sitting in the classroom, look at the panyard and say “It’s unrefined.” And then the people sitting in the panyard look in the classroom and say “It’s sterile,” when really it’s just a matter of understand the perspective….”” Khuent Rose

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