Lady Gypsy - No Damn Respect ( 2012 )

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Lady Gypsy - No Damn Respect. 2012 Calypso

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  • It is amazing to see the similarities and where Faye Ann got the voice....

  • Lady Gypsy, great kaiso. I am sure he gets the message. This is the power of calypso.

  • Hats off to you lady gypsy good kaiso as always put them in calypso so others could listen.

  • Lady Gypsy I feel your pain but am' very proud that you are letting it out. There are many people like your self

    who has brothers and sisters that is doing well but they treat their family members like S*#t I know exactly what

    you are singing about. Remember one thing a person can have all the gold and money in this world but guess

    what?... they can"t take it with them. Try your best and do not let ' HATE ' take control of your heart, remember

    God will always be there when you need him.

    Peace Always

  • oh sister gypsy when ah hear dis it really should play ont he airwaves often for people to know where they come from when they reach in a position to help their family. it is not only for him but to any human being who reaches in a position to help family or anybody do it with a willing mind and spirit love this

  • so he live so he pass on

  • i like your song very much miss lady, very much. one can feel the truth in what you are saying. keep doing what you are doing, speak true to form, and you will go a long way.

  • To" GOD BE THE GLORY" give HIM Praise HE never forsake no one

  • Preach and Teach.  "No Lie", two of his words that he has immortalised in calypso and extempo have come back to haunt him in this calypso "No Lie"in other worsd "True Word" lol

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