Lava Coming Down - Pan Tunes for 2010

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Brian Joseph has been a known, steadfast figure on the New York steelband music scene for several years. However, unbeknown to many is that he also a prolific song writer. For the 2010 Panorama season, Brian shares his talents with the pan community as he launches Lava Coming Down. On vocals is Eddie Charles out of Trinbagonian soca band Traffik. Go to for more

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  • correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't this song originally produced by earl thomas and kenny(pamie)alexander at dancemaster recording studio in brooklyn 2008. please correct me if im wrong if not well lets do the right thing people
  • First let me say thanks to the "Fantasy Production Crew" for allowing me to be a part of this project...
    "LAVA" is only the begining of what is going to be flowing out of the pen of Brian Joseph and finding it's way into and out of de panyards both at home and abroard...Massive props Brian.
  • Hi Brian, This is IT big tune Lava would be mashing up thee place. LOVE IT
  • Kirk could not say it better as kirk said that song would be playing mas in the big yard by lots of bands.
  • This is a pan song we have Been waiting on people I belive 2010 will be 10 years since the passing of the lord. Kitchener the style is close to the grand master so big up to the fantasy production crew all the best for 2010 down in the big yard
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