Len "Boogsie" Sharpe & Keisha Codrington

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The King of Pan & The Princess performs a DUET on the PHI.

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  • Nice to see how we can get together and produce good music, well done folks.
  • Nice indeed....good work sis
  • Nice together!"The King&The Princess"..........With the PHI!
  • Well papa as Aggie would say finally the "never see come see " attitude is not used behind these great" tools or pan gear" as I would prefer to call them, and I can finally hear it's true capabilities I can say the interigrity of them is now restored especially the PHI (which seems to either have been fine tuned or at last being properly played) I hope this clip will encourage future playing of them in a more musical way, ie exploring its ability to imitate a real pan or whatever other voices as a true alternative to them, nice decent playing even though a lil abstract I particularly like the lower end voices , the top end still sounds unreal at times, but keep working on it, and in the future ask players to cooll ofdf the wildness an play the thing it is a song not a race and make music not just noise 
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