Len "Boogsie" Sharpe - Moods Pan Groove - 1995

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This is a special recording by Basement Recordings of Len "Boogsie" Sharpe's arrangement as played by Moods Pan Groove - 1995. The performance was captured with a 24bit digital recorder, one of the very few in the world at that time - on a Brooklyn street in New York.

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  • D Boss.

  • Thank you for this beautiful piece of music. 

    Now, can you post the music of Silhouettes playing High Mas arranged by Boogsie.  Another top class performance. 

    Brenda h. 

  • Boogsie and Moods at their best.First hand info for that year.

  • What a wonderful piece of music... hardcore to yuh jaw... we got disrespected that year with 5th place... smh

  • I can't remember which band won that year but if Moods did not win then I really want to hear the band that did. That was Boogsie at the top of his game. The 24bit digital recorder really brought out the sweetness of the tune.

  • Nice, Boogsie is BOSS

  • oh that is a greattttttt sound!!x
  • Boogsie- Happy belated birthday! I hope we could link up in the future. I hope to be back in Trinidad next year October. I will check you then. Cutty
  • BOOGSIE!!!!!!
  • Another good New York panorama rendition if Basements Recordings has a copy is "Bachanal Time" by Super Blue, arranged by Boogsie for Moods Pan Groove
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