Len "Boogsie" Sharpe - Rose

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Len "Boogsie" Sharpe on the PHI - A Tribute to Mighty Sparrow.

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  • I wasn't talking about the sound of the PHI, i was talking about the playing of it. After all, any musical instrument can be substituted for by an electronic version that sounds authentic.

    I am certainly awed by the technology involved in the PHI and others like it, but to me they are in a different category of musical instrument than the acoustic pan, a distinction similar to that between an electronic organ and an acoustic piano.
  • Exactly Steve. If it looks like a pan shouldn't it be able to sound like a pan? With the PHI you assured of authentic steelpan tones, in other words you do not have to rely on any external sound module for "the real sounding pan".
  • If you were only hearing the music would you be able to say it was not being played on a Pan ?  For me it sounds the same so the feeling of enjoying Pan Music would still be there.
  • It isn't the same feeling. We would admit that some adaptation is required.
  • Very nice.
    However, I cannot help but wonder if one gets the same feeling from the electronic pan as one would get from actually hitting metal with a rubber tipped stick.
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