Lord Blakie - Steelband Clash - ☛ 1954

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The Calypso and its derivatives remain that intrinsic, artistic thread that weaves the creative cloth of history, documenting and storytelling through live performances for the masses. The late Lord Blakie was one of the true great masters of this craft. Blessed with an abundance of wit, intelligence, humor, memory and knowledge of subject matter - Lord Blakie was giant among his peers and a significant icon in the steelpan music moment.... WST click for more info http://www.panonthenet.com/spotlight/2009/Blakie-revisit-3-22-09.htm

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  • Thanks!.....way too cool
  • This performance is from a video called "Raw Kaiso Live at Mas Camp Pub". It features Blakie, Black Prince and Zandolie, and is a real classic.

    I wonder if there is a DVD out there somewhere? I haven't been able to find it.

    If you know how I can get a copy please let me know.

    I'd love to own a copy.

  • This is excellent. Vintage Kaiso. Gimme more folks, gimme more.

    A million thanks to When Steel Talks.


    Keep up the good work!

  • They just don't make kaiso like this again.  Not only lyrics but Blakie always had a melody.
  • Allrite allyuh, dis forum is for talk so let we talk.

    Allyuh ever hear a calypso wey Blakie start by sayin something like " eh eh jes so yuh hit me in meh mout for me own calypso"
    check it out on youtube.


    Dat really happen, Man cuff him in he mout for bigging up another badjon.
  • Interestingly Brenda, back in the day when The Mighty Sparrow was in his "Badjohn" phase singing songs like "Gunslingers" and "Royal Jail", many people felt that Sparrow was a fake "badjohn", and Blakie was the real thing!
  • Got to see his last appearance at the Big Apple Tent!
  • Just fabulous!     This made really happy to see this1 Trini to de bone!
  • Really nice to meet the :Lord blakie again. I hope that rhyme, beat, and music, soon come back.

  • This is tune for so.
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