Mangrove Steelband - UK National Panorama Steelband Competition 2016

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UK National Panorama Steelband Competition 2016 Mangrove Steelband 2nd Place Arranger: Andre White Manager: Debi Gardner Tune: Different Me by 5StarAkil Steel Pan Trust is the organisers of Pan Clash and Classorama. In addition to other projects we promote the steelpan through social media. To learn more please visit - / follow 'steelpantrust / 'Steel Pan Trust' on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat The British Association of Steelbands (BAS) is the organisers of the London National Panorama Steelband Competition. A popular Calypso is arranged into a piece for steelpan orchestra with introductions and variations over the theme. For more info please visit -

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