Marsicans - Celebrate - Pan in New York 2004 - WST Steelband Channel

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This is one of the finest bands to come out of the New York steelband experience. Here is an HD version of the now classic performance of Celebrate as arranged by the outstanding Pelham Goddard and captured by Basement. 100 Marsicans steelpan players prepare for the New York panorama competition.

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  • wow ! 

  • what beautiful performance. The young people can do really great things when their energy is channeled in the right direction
  • This coincides with my earlier statement the youths of today and tomorrow,getting them involved,,, a perfect performance with dedication,,complements to the arranger,,,,how yu gon stop pan music,it,s international.
  • Great performance!Very Fine recording..........
  • Very nice. Basement captures the sound of the steelband in a panyard as well as, or maybe even better than, any I've ever heard!
  • Pelham's musical voice is very distinct in this piece, I felt as though i was listening to Exodus
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