Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad
Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad
Don't got de money
To take me back to Trinidad
Fine Calypso woman
She cook me shrimp and rice
Fine Calypso woman
She cook me shrimp and rice
Dese Yankee hot dog
Don't treat me stomach very nice
In Trinidad, one dollar buy
Papaya juice, banana pie
Six coconuts, one female goat
An' plenty fish to fill de boat
One bushel bread, one barrel wine
An' all de town, she come to dine
But here is bad, one dollar buy
Cup of coffee, ham on rye
Me throat, she sick from necktie
Me feet, she hurt from shoes
Me pocket full of empty
I got Calypso blues
Dese Yankee girl give me big scare
Is black de root, is blond de hair
Her eyelash false, her face is paint
And pads are where de girl she ain't
She jitterbug when she should waltz
I even think her name is false
But Calypso girl is good a lot
Is what you see, is what she got
Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad
Sittin' by de ocean
Me heart, she feel so sad
Don't got de money
To take me back to Trinidad
Don't got de money
To take me back to Trinidad
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Jackie Wilson says the key to Motown's beat was his introduction of Calypso to Berry Gordy! Frankie Lymon of the Teenagers acknowledged that Calypso influenced Doo Wop!
I actually went back ... just can't get enough
Wicked, never get tired of hearing this!!!
So so enjoyed Marvin Gaye To take me back to Trinidad
Jackie Wilson says the key to Motown's beat was his introduction of Calypso to Berry Gordy! Frankie Lymon of the Teenagers acknowledged that Calypso influenced Doo Wop!
@ Andre-Roger Dellevi Thanks for the info Andre
Heard this performed by many others artists other than Nat King Cole, Natalie Cole, Maya Angelou (with her Trini Roots) with reggae versions by Calypso Rose, Jr. Gong Marley and heard a Afro-Franco artists perform this at the Montreal International Jazz Fest (accompanied by steelpan) but can't recall his name, although the crowd went wild.
To take me back to trinidad