Memories - George Bailey Trinidad Carnival's Greatest Bandleader...

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Memories - George Bailey - Trinidad Carnival A Film by Aldric G. Bailey In 1959, Your Uncle George, the most famous of all the bandleaders, had produced Reli...

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  • Mama, Dat Was Mas!!!

  • Thanking you all...

  • Born in mcdonald street woodbrook in the early fifties. There was a famous barber next door where i got my first look at GEORGE BAILEY and the inner core of the shell invaders steel band.GEORGE BAILEY was way ahead of his time.This epic Film capture the brillance of his life time. I must say GEORGE BAILEY was the pinnacle of TRINIDAD and TOBAGO at that point and time.

  • Thanks to Rudy Piggott : The Pharoah ! For his input on the History of the memories of George Bailey,it is of my opinion that he Has the authority,also mentioning, Mr.Terry Evelyn another Genius also Mr. Stephen Derek,a true Disciple of George Bailey from his School days. Stephen Derek is a natural talented,and creative individual. From School days during the carnival season he would go by George Bailey after taking his School Books Home,but kept a copy book as we called it in his back pocket,left handed, even during Class he would be drawing the Costumes to show me what George is coming coming with and his own Designs. I Would go and meet Steve after lunch to go back to school and he will be drawing on the way Back to School. Gairy Jackson was also a George Bailey Student and all of the Woodbrook residents and Students of All Saints E.C. School were Supporters and under the influence of George Bailey and the Pharoah and Legendary Rudy Piggott !! Thanks Rudy For Your Contribution.!!      Young coye. Tellison A.Forde.!!

  • Thanks for sharing this! Give praise! George was a great cultural thinker about our heritage, and should have been around at this time. Left us too soon, but he gave a monumental deal of his greatness. The film brought back happy memories of those days in our dear country-George's inimitable smile-I was a colleague and played in his band, what excitement that was. Dem days gone forever!

  • Thanks to all concerned for making this film and posting it for our enjoyment. After seeing the numerous accomplishments of Sir George Bailey in just 35 years I can only think of him being a GENIUS , a Master of the Arts and a Visionary par Excellence. This was a Gentlemen born with these Gifts and Blessed to be amongst the Very BEST we have yet encountered. " The heights of Great men reached and Kept were not attained by sudden flight but they whilst their companions slept kept toiling onwards through the night ". I could just imagine how hard he worked to attain such GLORY and how disciplined he was to have ventured into such at that  young age. A True T+T HERO . Thanks.

  • Thanks for making this tribute film, it has revived my memories of his bands, and of Trinidad in those days. He is definitely one of the great ones, and Trinidad misses his creative genius.  I miss the beauty, creativity, splendour, verve  and dynamism of those times.

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