Michael Jackson in Steel - A Steelpan Tribute

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When Steel Talks (WST) invites all steel orchestras, steel ensembles and soloists to participate in the WST tribute to the late Michael Jackson by posting a performance video of a Michael Jackson song in the WST video forum. Recording quality counts. No distorted audio please. And no digital pan entrees this year. Only live acoustical performances will be accepted.  WST will continually add the best submitted performances and arrangements to the MJ Tribute Playlist and spotlight the performances to the global steelpan community.

Make sure you add some information about yourself, school, band and country. When Steel Talks will continue to add performances to the playlist until June 25, 2013.

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  • well done Freddie

  • Beautiful, Freddie, beautiful.

    Freddie Harris III is one of the best of the "young guns' of pan, and a personal favorite.

    Nice work, as usual.

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