Mind Yuh Business - Metro Steel Orchestra - 1996

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Metro Steel Orchestra performs "Mind Yuh Business" by Len Boogsie Sharpe and arranged by Lyndon Spencer and Collins Jackman - 1996

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  • Mr. Franklin, I am Collins Jackman a 3rd cousin of the famous pan tuner James "Bassman" Jackman. Like Lyndon, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. My father Valentine Collins Jackman a/k/a "Dakota" back in Trinidad came to America in 1970 and eventually met my mother in 1972 who is African-American by birth with roots in South Carolina. I was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1974. Like Lyndon, I am also the first American born to co-arrange a panorama tune. Lyndon and I have been close friends since 1987 when we first met in Metro Steel in 1987. 

  • Good job guys.

  • I do not know Mr. Collins Jackman, but Mr.Lyndon Spencer is the first American born to co-arrange a panorama tune in Brooklyn.

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