Monty Alexander: Tribute to Claude Nobs Harlem - Kingston Express

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BLUE MITCHEL: Funji Mama DUKE ELLINGTON: Things win´t what they used to be JOAQUIN RODRIGO: Theme d´Aranjuez AHMAD JAMAL: Night Mist Blues In the wee small hours of the morning MACEO PINKARD: Sweet Georgia Brown Variations on "The Exodus song" (comp. Ernest Gold) and "Exodus" (comp. Bob Marley) R. EVANS: Bossa nova do Marilla MONTY ALEXANDER: Monty´s groove MONTY ALEXANDER/GLEN BROWNE/D. JONES: Moonlight City BOB MARLEY: Heathen MONTY ALEXANDER: Renewal VINCENT FORD: No woman no cry MONTY ALEXANDER: Day - 0 ERNEST RANGLIN: Mountain Melody BOB MARLEY: Runnin ´ Away BOB MARLEY: Glory Hallelujah When reggae meets jazz. Monty Alexander is an iconic jazz musician who knew such distinguished artists as Miles Davis, Errol Garner and Frank Sinatra. Born in Jamaica, he revisits his island's most popular songs and gives an accent of jazz to reggae. In his album Harlem-Kingston Express, Monty Alexander and his musicians explore these two musical words, jazz and reggae, and give birth to a joyful and swinging music. This concert is a tribute to the founder of the Montreux Jazz Festival, Claude Nobs. Monty Alexander Hassan JJ Wiggins Shakur bajo Obed Calvaire batería Leon Duncan bajo Karl Wright batería Earl Appleton electric keyboard Courtney Panton guitarra Realizador : Anaïs Spiro Lugar : Salle des Combins (Verbier, Suiza) Producción : Idéale Audience - MUSEEC/ Evento: Verbier Festival Fecha : 2 de agosto de 2013 a las 19:00

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