More from Trinidad Carnival 1967

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Some 50mm film of Carnival in Trinidad sometime around 1967 shot by my father, Adrian Bryan. uploaded by Gregory Bryan

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  • I remember this as if it were yesterday. This was my last year playing mas before i left Trinidad. I played with City Symphony. They played Birds and Insects. We brought a butterfly section from Curepe.

  • 50mm film was an experimental format designed to afford better quality prints that could be used in standard 35 mm projectors with only a few modifications. It was seen as a replacement for 70mm film which required a separate projector.

    I would be interested to find out how this footage was obtained, what camera was used as well as how the digital print came about.

  • 50mm?? wazzat?

  • @ Adrian,   What a treasure ! Awesome !  

  • '67 is my favourite Lord Kitchener's roadmarch and the Ron Berridge Orchestra were at their absolute best for this one. I remember Kitch going from steelband to steelband as they came through the Savannah and taking a jump with each. I was eleven years old then.

  • Yes, Jean. Ron Berridge did the '67 album with Lord Kitchener. Some of the best calypso backup music ever

  • is that  ron  berridge  doing  67.  sounds  like  him

  • Thank u Brian for sharing this with us . In fact i(m surprised that the picture resolution is not too bad; Wonderful , elaborate portrayals of that era... nice colours, and around the savannah is still recognisable. Even then , a highly participative event....LOVE IT!


  • Nice footage. This may be later that 1967 since I saw something that was not being pushed. (lol)

  • Those masqueraders haven't reproduced themselves. Today, we have different people, doing different things, in the name of mas. Notice: in '67, nobody held a drink in hand, not even of water.

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