My Movie Shirlane Hills Thrills II

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"The Hills Thrills" Composed and Sung by Shirlane Hendrickson

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  • Among all the songs recorded and played so far for the '2015 Carnival', this Shirlane Hendrickson's composition has, in my estimation, earned her praise and commendation for certainly one of the best songs I've heard in terms of sensible and relevant lyrics and such a wonderful melody. She is, undoubtedly, a talented composer and gifted singer. If I remember correctly, she collaborated last year with Clive Telemaque in the composition of 'Excitement', All Stars tune of choice for Panorama 2014. She, also, was the singer on that track. I envision a great and successful musical career for this young talented composer and singer.

  • Why wasn't this submitted as one of the NEW SONGS of the calypso season

  • great monotone! real timely lyrics!

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