Nailah in Tears after El Dorado Secondary Performs Iron Love

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El Dorado East Secondary School’s performance of “Iron Love” at the 2019 School’s Panorama competition brought tears to Nailah Blackman’s eyes.

Nailah was at this year’s School’s Panorama competition since several primary and secondary school steel orchestras chose her song “Iron Love” for their Panorama piece.

This performance earned El Dorado Secondary Blue Steel second place, with a score of 277. Only one point separated them from the winning school steelband, NAPS Combined Steel Orchestra and their arranger Shaquille Vincent.

Meet the Arranger of  “Iron Love” for El Dorado Secondary Blue Steel - KEISHA CODRINGTON

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  • This was an excellent arrangement!

  • OK so admittedly I'm a cry baby - but I couldn't hold back. What an amazing arrangement and performance. There was so much old school with youthful exuberance and energy. I can understand what Naila was experiencing, to witness her creation taking on such a momentous new life that she obviously could not have envisaged when she put pen to paper - My buddy Bradley (brados to those who were close friends) must be happy in pan heaven.

  • What a pleasant Sunday I had! Enjoyed every bit of the youths' pan festival. That's my interpretation of the competition. Great job kids!

  • Excellent inteperation. What is Pantrinbago doing to document the gems with all the appropriate documents about the bands including a list or everyone performing the piece. Also the school's website should have the information also posted. Please note, I did not check.#cultureliveshere .

  • Good job as always Keisha Codrington..

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