National Anthem on Steel Pan at Chicago Bulls game ( Diversity Steel Band )

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Check out the Diversity Steel Band as we play the National Anthem for the Chicago Bulls. I started this group to represent different pan players from across the country. From left to right: Malika Coletta (Cellos), Eric "Airic " Liebing (Tenor), Founder: Cassie Bradley, (Tenor Pan), and Obe Quarless (Double Seconds). For performance inquires please email

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  • Sometimes soloists play the national anthem at functions. At the Olympics medal ceremony the anthem is not sung. It can be either. BTW, how could they take "we ting" to play their national anthem? I wonder what Andy have to say 'bout that.
  •  In the musical tag  at  the end of  the anthem did I hear..."Aruba...Jamaica"? I hope I am fcuking wrong that at the expense of Trinidad and Tobago these countries are sublimally identified with the steelband.

  • GREAT JOB, however, a national anthem should be sang accompanied bu any group of instruments.

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