National Steelband of Trinidad and Tobago playing at the MRA 1964

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National Steelband of Trinidad and Tobago playing at the MRA conference centre at Mackinac Island USA in 1964 in the studio.Introduced by Gold medalist Richard Rusty Wailes Also Conrad Hunte speaks introduced by George Godard Beth Peterson and the Dolphins sing (including Cathy Quinn and Glenn Close) The Colwell brothers join to sing Which way America

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  • I am reminiscing.  Feels good to see and hear this now.  except that in 2016 Steve asked for the names of the band members... and today 2022... I am still looking to find those Ambassadors.  Oh well... maybe Pan Times can still post it.

    Brenda h 

  • It’s nice to see how Steel has grown ! Thank you for sharing this history lesson .

  • Great Vid . I can recognise Bobby Mohammed and Hugh Board (Tripoli) and Bobby Mohamed (Cavaliers) on Tenors , Steve Regis (West Stars) on Conga , Junior P (Silver Stars) on Scratcher . Could you add to this list ? Then please do . Thanks . 

  • Very Enjoyable and although this is 52 years ago it is an interesting and important piece of the rich history and legacy of our Steel Band . I remember after they returned home they made several visits to various Bands to share their Experiences and we of Texaco West Stars Steel Orchestra were fortunate to be one who they visited for our Arranger Steve Regis was a member of the National Steel Band there and he could be seen playing the Conga drums . We were delighted also to meet the Great West Indies Cricketer Mr. Conrad Hunt who gave us a Summary of their tour and the Players also shared their views . It was interesting to hear the praise that was given to the leadership of Mr.Hunt and his instilling into the Band Members the importance of  being Cultural Ambassadors and worthy representatives of TT . There were several tours by this band back then and it would be nice if we could see those vids . Thanks .

  • Yes Pan Times....thanks also for the is so good to take us back that far....the energy the youth of the panmen....even recalling the early days of the association and George Goddard....wonder whatever became of that man....good stuff Pan Times...T.

  • Very interesting

  • Thanks Pan Times, I truly enjoyed this. Nuff said!

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