OMG Interview 217 Wintley Phipps

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Wintley Augustus Phipps, Sr. was born in San Fernando, Trinidad, in the year 1955. At an early age, Phipps moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He attended Kin...

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  • Published on Jul 29, 2016

    Wintley Augustus Phipps, Sr. was born in San Fernando, Trinidad, in the year 1955. At an early age, Phipps moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He attended Kingsway College in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, a Seventh-day Adventist academy, and later Oakwood College, a Seventh-day Adventist college in Huntsville, Alabama, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology.

    Today he is a vocal artist, and founder of the U.S. Dream Academy,[1] Songs of Freedom Publishing Company, and Coral Records Recording Company. He features a "booming baritone" voice, usually singing inspirational gospel music. He is an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister.

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