Omogo Reloaded - One Chance Love ft. SG Keys, Cq Slim & DaBaze

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What would you do if you found out her parent and family members don't like you? One Chance Love is a fun love story and a special tribute to the late #Afrobeat Legend Baba #FelaAnikulapoKuti . One Chance Love is part of the recording initially slated for Meiran Music Moguls Mixtape Volume 1, recorded at Mawobe Records' studio in Abule-Egba, Lagos Nigeria with support from ResQ Records, Indiana, USA. |, #AfrofusionVol3 is an intercontinental project featuring ResQ Records singer-songwiter Omogo Reloaded from Indiana, USA and two of #MawobeRecords ' best dynamic duo, #Cqslim and #DaBaze Music. The joint effort is incomplete without the expertise of super producer, SG keys cranking the sound production machine. Mexes and Telaviv supported the crew on Mujo and the project intro, respectively.Dancehall Afrofusion Volume 3 is now available everywhere. #iTunes : Music: your copy today!

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