Over 80 Schools from across Africa will converge in the East of Gauteng for the 5th International Marimba and Steelpan Festival

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Over 80 Schools from across Africa will converge in the East of Gauteng for the 5th International Marimba and Steelpan Festival taking place on the 30th and 31st of July 2016. This year the festival is part of the Africa Month initiative, which looks at promoting social cohesion not only amongst South Africans but Africa as a continent and the world at large. Organisers say the International Marimba and Steelpan Festival is a good vehicle for the Africa month initiative as the competition not only has a large reach all over South Africa but also in other African countries. To tell us more we are joined by Joan Lithgow who is a Marimba Specialist and Organiser of the International Marimba and Steelpan Festival

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