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Music video produced by Banyan for Pamberi Steel orchestra in 1988 to familiarise the public with Godwyn Bowen's Tune which Pamberi played for panorama that ...

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  • whatever became of this singer, she is so cool and sooo sweet, it is sad that the band got over excited by the time they got to the stage they forgot the nice speed they were playing on the track and wasted a champion song. this is a pan perfect song
  • What a beautiful pan tune. I think a lot of steelbands should be playing that tune.
  • It's constantly being said that the Steel Band is dying. What I find interesting is that so many Calypso/Soca Singers are arranging their tunes for Pan, and especially the Panorama Competition. Now what does this really mean about the future of Pan?

    Maybe the main people who are talking about the death of Pan are unaware of the internationalization of this beautiful musical instrument. Steelbands can be found in Universities in the U.S. with accredited music programs, several nations have Steelbands, I mean are Trinis the only ones speaking about the demise of Pan?

    Please tune into 99.5 FM and on Monday, November 29th, between 3 and 5 AM and you'll hear some of the sweetest in Pan during this Parang special.

    Stephen The Soca Warrior Howard
  • Nice music!! I remember this like it was the other day
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