Pan community hopping mad. Gross disrespect to 2016 Grenada Panorama

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Kirk Seetahal, CEO of Spicemas, under which Grenada's National Panorama currently takes place, is under fire for the unprecdented and gross disrespect and contempt experienced by the steelband players and community in the Saturday August 6, 2016 Panorama at the Grenada National Stadium. Band management and players alike were infuriated and voiced their anger and shock as to how events unfolded. The champions, Commancheros Steel Orchestra, were physically prevented from celebrating their win on stage for the first time ever. Trophy and checks were not allowed to be awarded on stage, and pan players and the audience in attendance were ordered to clear the venue immediately, this to make way for a fete/party called 'Xtreme White' which featured Jamaica dancehall and reggae artist "Mavado" (David Constantine Brooks), and was being held at the same venue. see more

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