Pan Evolution Steel Orchestra - "Cheers To Life" - Tempo Version - Andre White arranger

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Brooklyn's Pan Evolution Steel Orchestra performs an Andre White arrangement of "Cheers To Life" their 2016 New York Panorama tune of choice. Basement Recordings captured Pan Evolution one night before they took the stage for the competition with 65 players. In their first year of existence Pan Evolution took second place honors at the Panorama competition. PAN EVOLUTION PLAYERS LIST PANORAMA 2016 ~TENORS SECTION~ Francis Sharpe Tyrone McShine Brittany Burton Shania Baker Jahlani Roberts Wayne Bernard Kayla Ramdoo Sheldon Rattan Gold King Melina Scott Anija John Denzel Hedley Maya ~DOUBLE TENOR SECTION~ Adrian Ramdoo Rachelle Ramdoo Lashera Smith ~DOUBLE SECONDS SECTION~ Anthony Sharpe Matthew Bascombe Kai Val Buju Chrisitian Niara ~GUITAR SECTION~ Sade Adams Tiffany Fields Dimitri Ramdoo Bella Shaquilla ~CELLO/FOUR PAN~ Kamicha Arthur Syanne Andrea Edwards Joel Ramdwar Erika ~CHARIOT PAN~ Brandon Waldrop ~TENOR BASS~ Mike Baker Jahnya Iyanna ~BASS SECTION~ Aviel John Marriler Wilson Sheldon Hoyte Amira Beache Chelsea Clouden Quacy Clarence Byran Cheyenne Alvin ~RHYTHM SECTION~ Sheldon Thwaites Kerneil Wells Lenny King Mortimer Mauby Keith (Strummers) Pereira Richard Shanghi Morris Dashawn Wallace

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