Pan Fantasy Steel Pan Orchestra (Toronto, Canada) at the 2014 Pan Alive

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Toronto 2014 Panorama Champions - Pan Fantasy Steel Pan Orchestra from Jane Finch Community at the 2014 Toronto Carnival (Caribana) Pan Alive (Panorama) competition. Best to view it in 1080p ...

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  • Congrats to Pan Fantasy on an excellent performance, I would like to take this opportunity to share something I saw on Trinidad & Tobago television channel 4 on Independence morning  August 31st 2014, putting on my tv  and saw that they were showing and explaining the T&T coat of arms right after that a steelband appeared playing a medley of calypso music,guess what  it was a Chinese steelband, looked like a bunch of local Chinese from the Chinese Association, and I am asking myself is this a joke or are these people really serious, on our 52nd anniversary all you could show on tv is a bunch of Chinese playing the national instrument in front of all our accomplished and world renowned steelbands, All Stare Despers, Renegades Phase two,Silver Stars, and many others steelband this is what you choose to highlight, I personally consider that an insult to the people of T&T, I have no problem with they having their all Chinese band, no problem at all but putting this band in front all our local band on Independence day that my problem,they could have shown a band with mixed people in it.

  • Onward to New York!  #1 in Canada and in the top three in the US for Panorama this year.  Big John

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