Pan in Danger Tokyo 1985 Prelims

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This was an experience contradicting the message in the tune.

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  • The year after "The Jammer". This is Bradley at his best. Although he arranged numerous classics for them, I've always preferred Clive's music, outside of Desperadoes. There's a certain freedom to these arrangements. Although they tied for first, that year, had Despers played this arrangement.....they could have won by 12 points...or more.....I know I had Tokyo first, on my sheet

  • Not good to live in the past,but if I were sent back in time...THIS ERA...I would not mind..although I was in winner's enclosure with Desperadoes, I took the time to go down the track to hear them since they were ahead of us...THE SWEETEST music I heard on the track that day..VINTAGE CLIVE..No more of that colorful choice of harmonic tones..Happy to have been a great part of the glory days.
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