Pan in New York 2004 - steelband panyard performances

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Go to for copy of DVD. Hear and see what makes New York Pan so special on this fabulous DVD - direct from the panyards of the Big Apple. Once again, Basement Recordings Inc. takes you on an audio visual experience unlike any other. For 2004, Basement takes you to five of New York's most exciting panyards. 2004 NY Panorama champions, Sonatas, along with CASYM, Marsicans, D'Radoes and Pantonic.Exhilarating arrangements by the likes of Yohan Popwell, Arddin Herbert, Pelham Goddard and Clive Bradley. The NY Panyards 2004 DVD takes you into the panyards like only Basement Recordings can, using their exclusive "Box and One" audio capturing technique.

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