PAN: The Beating Heart of Music | Kim Johnson | TEDxPortofSpain

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Kim Johnson takes us on an unlikely path into music. In his talk he explores the subtleties of the one of the worlds most motivating and inspiring movements. His insights challenge our common conceptions of musical practice and its performance. Motions graphic for TEDxPortofSpain 2014 provided by Richard Taylor of 1rabbit - Creative Force - Kim Johnson is currently the Director of the Carnival Institute of Trinidad and Tobago, and is considered by some to be the foremost historian of pan. He studied law at UWI, Cave Hill, but dropped out of Law School. He then worked with illegal migrants in Guadeloupe and Suriname, and with a charitable foundation in the Dominican Republic and Uruguay. In the 1990s he worked as a journalist. In 2001 he was awarded a PhD in sociology from UWI, Mona and thereafter worked as a regional manager for Fujitsu Caribbean, and then as a Senior Research Fellow at The Academy for Arts, Letters, Culture and Public Affairs at The University of Trinidad and Tobago. In 2011 he was awarded the Anthony Sabga prize for excellence in Arts & letters.

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  • Good Job Dr.Kim Johnson

  • Thank You. This is a wonderful presentation. And yes, my never failing fondest memories is those I created pushing pan, especially pushing the bass section, and it is in my body

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