"PAN WOMAN" BY EXODUS arranged by Ray Holman

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  • Glenroy this one of my favorite gems, I have two more Pan In We Blood by Despers and Coffee Street by Skiffle Bunch.

  • This is the Ray Holman arrangement of his composition " Pan Woman" as performed at the Panorama Finals of 1987.

    This was the year that the top three winners of Panorama were "This Feeling Nice' by Phase II. and "Pan in A Minor" by Renegades and Despers, pan classics all.

    However, sometimes so much focus is placed on the Panorama "winners"., that we miss some real musical gems.

    This is certainly one of those.

  • After hearing a piece by Ray all you could say is "Music" Did you all see Andy Narell playing, he love the way Ray arrange, that is why he has the same style. Bradley once said the only arranger he respect is Ray, Boogsie said  that he learn a lot from Ray. Mr Holman  is one of the great steelpan arrangers.
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