Panicle's GSG Steelband Town Hall Meeting 2014

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This town hall meeting, intended to build on current conversations related to the past, current, and future conditions of the local steelbands of Trinidad an...

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  • Denise Hernandez? Yeah; she was there. Bertel Gittens? Yep. Probably the only and last time such a cross-section of "panmen" and "panwomen" got together, ALL with their own agendas, some good and some not so good. One person tried to convince me that if a "panman" plays a plastic bucket, then that makes the plastic bucket a...get this...PAN! BTW - I originally intended to name the event the "When Steel Talks Town Hall Meeting", but they declined my offer. Maybe, they though that I was too controversial back then. Right? lol. And, the member who called for my censorship...yeah; we cool. People love judging others, before they even get to know them. Those who met me, know that I am not as some would have you believe. Thankfully, I was wise enough to keep records, and the truth, like the pith in the pitch lake, has a funny way of seeping to the surface. REMEMBER: The higher the monkey climbs...
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