Panist Asamai Nagakiya Performing old lady walk ah mile

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Asamai Nagakiya Performing old lady walk ah mile

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  • Hear what beautiful music Miss Nagakiy played and it was a simple tune,And I am sure that the person or persons

    who end this young lady life,can't even spell PAN. But don't panic your days are number.

    Asamail RIP.

  • The greatest gift that our national instrument can give to the people of the world is that they can take it and make it their own as well, and sometimes to come to our land to join with us in playing the instrument on our most important national occasion, Panorama.  Asamai, most of us have not known you personally. We are deeply pained that your hopes and dreams have been so abruptly cut short in the land whose national instrument has brought such joy and meaning to your life. Our deepest sympathies go out to your family and friends in Japan and in Trinidad, especially those in Silver Stars who have come to know you.  May God bless you and keep you in comfort.  Rest in peace, Asamai. 

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