Panorama Finals 2015 | Trinidad All Stars

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14.02.15 | Panorama Finals | Trinidad All Stars - posted by Trinidad Carnival

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  • Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars management and players on a magnificent victory. At position #5 the Savannah came Alive!!!!!!! It was truly a fantastic performance and the GrandStand acknowledged the performance by getting to their feet. The hard work, late nights to early mornings is worthy at the end. Thank you T'marque, Smooth (Underated), and Berry (Cap).

    To the hater, most likely you will be on the welcoming committee in St. Ann's, a place you seem very familiar with.

  • Hats off to Silver Stars, back in the sixties invaders my band of choice would always stop on henry street, to pay respect to all stars with a Monday morning bomb tune. So 4ever respect to ALL STARS.

  •  I second that

  • I now hearing All Stars and all the judges Lambert Phillip, Joanne Ragbir, Damian Phillip, Roger Sardinha, Michelle Dowich and Richard Pierre .Yes, I mean all the judges should be put to walk to the Mad house in St Ann's and remain there,untill they are fit to be back in society.

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