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PANTRINBAGO responds to Len "Boogsie" Sharp's comments on Pan being "dead." Mr. Melville Bryan, Consultant to Pantrinbago. (PART 2)

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  • What happen to Blockarama a few years ago,creating musical entertainment at some of our recreation grounds.? At the meantime the steelband men used to get the profits divided among bands played that day. Do you think that dance arrangement should be different from Panorama presentation music? I am sorry that I am asking these questions as I am now living abroad, but whenever I get steelband music it comes from Panorama with excessive music that is is not interested enough to hold attention to people who are hearing pan for the first time. I remember that Silver Stars album used to based on dance music and this is the music I still have to play for people hearing pan for the first time. I think we should turn Panorama toward good dance music which will be more interesting to newcomers. Courtney Leiba, Calypso Pan-tastic. Australia.
  • There are two pan fraternities as there are two societies in T&T. The eyesore that stands on the hwy will be completed some time before some election. Dont worry.
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