Phase II: Madd Music

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Phase II Pangroove in their panyard the night before panorama 2016.

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  • As for the japanese sister who lost her life in such a violent way my condolences go out to her friends,her immediate family and her extended pan family.This is evidence of the social breakdown that plagues T+T for god knows how long.Trinidad and Tobago needs change not just in the political party that governs the country,i an talking about REAL CHANGE.The system first and foremost has to change and if and when that happens then these types of tragedies and others will cease.May she live in the thoughts and prayers in all those she was able to touch in her short but meaningful life.

  • Wayne i don't know you because as you know i left trinidad thirty + years ago and depending on your age bracket you my know very little or nothing about me,i say this because the last name cezair is one that i am very familiar with.Because as a kid growing up and spending time with my father on ethel street in st james Richard and Ronald Mayers spent time and were related to my father's wife and brother's mother who was the sister of then mayor of Arima Percy Cezair.If you are related to those Cezair's then it's good for to introduce myself and if not i am still glad that there is young and vibrant blood pumped into the future of pan and everything that goes with it.If the last name McIntosh rings a bell then i am who you think i am.Keep the good work up.GOD BLESS

  • As for the tune MADD MUSIC another blown coverage by the socalled judges of panorama.I have no idea what these people are listening to don't be discouraged they been doing it for years.I remember after the results came out panorama finals night in 1984 when we played I MUSIC i felt like declaring all out war on the judges and pan trinbago because in my heart i knew we had won that panorama.To all the old school members i send my greetings to you and the entire phase2 family.Even though i have been absent in the flesh for thirty years i have been present in the spirit the whole time.I will be phase2 till i leave this planet and beyond.ONE LOVE.

  • What a difference thirty years could make, my last year playing with the band which is1985 when we played musical wine the faces that stood behind those pans seem to be no more.The villiage look like a strange place,i could barely recognise anything or anyone except boogsie of course.I am cedric(SEKOU)mcintosh i played four pan for a number of years before i left trinidad with the band on tour in august of 1985,i have'nt returned home since then,but in my heart of hearts i feel like i owe boogsie at least one before i leave planet earth.I am happy to see that there's a new generation of MADD pan musicians playing the the music of a MADD GENIUS.Because take it from an old veteran he is and always will be the best at what he does regardless of what any socalled politically motivated judge,judges or jurors may think or want you to think.Keep doing what you young gunners are doing someday justice will prevail and when the history of pan is rewritten by honest people it will be known to the whole world that boogsie was the best at what he did.One love and may god continue to bless Phase2 and all it's affiliates.

  • This is why so many Japanese pan players come here every year to play and to share.

    Now it seems some don't get to go back the way they came.

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