Phase II "Pan Army" Dress Rehearsal - BEST Sound

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Phase II playing "Pan Army" on the drag. Panorama 2010 Dress Rehearsal. Featuring Ray Holman & Boogsie in the early part of the VDO."Pan Army" arranged by Len "Boogsie" Sharpe.Phase II won the Semi-Finals and came 2nd in the finals of Panorama 2010.Plug in your headphones for this one!!Costumes & racks by Peter Minshell.

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  • all who hearing all stars may not have really listen to all stars, this sounds more like a Bradley classic Boogsie has been trying to clone bradley since Music in mih blood, the engine room, the guitar strumming etc the aggo bells especially the ao bells, he needs to keep the tempo on stage

  • its a pity this was not on stage, this is the best performance and tempo of the song

  • Fantastic Steel-Pan Orchestra!Fantastic Sound!!!
  • Everytime is I hear this, it reminds me somewhat of "The Wrecker" by Solo Harmonites. Steelband Music so sweet.
  • The more I here this arrangement the more I want to here it again, great stuff my no.1 pick for 2010.
  • I enjoyed this piece as a player...nice groove....although in hindsight the stage performance for me was too all phasell massive thanks for a good season,especially all the players from around the world ( england,switzerland canada etc ).....blessings see you all in 2011
  • the more I listen to this I am hearing an All Stars jam any doubters listen closely
  • Just AWESOME!!! I love my culture so very much! I wish Trinbagonians could realize how really special we are, accept it with humility instead of hubris, and move toward spreading the culture to the world, and making it comfortable for people to come home, ...then perhaps they may stop the foolish killings and stupidity that they're carrying on with at home.

  • OMIG I am All Stars till ah die But this beat Silver Stars bad bad bad I might change my address 2011 this is about the 10th time I played this straight It have a little SMOOTH in it
  • SteelDrumTrust -- Thanks for posting this and the so many others clips you post to youtube. First time I'm seeing you here ... the quality is excellent. You captured not just the music, but that special vibe you get on the drag. As the earlier poster said, Wish I was there!

    Oh, a question for those who have the Advance Dynamics DVD of Panorama 2010: Is the audio really only monaural? Is it worth getting? I was quite happy with their productions over the last three years, so I don't want to get it only to have to steups!
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