phase II pan groove "this feeling nice"

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Panorama Finals 1987. Len "Boogsie" Sharpe's championship winning arrangement of his own composition.

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  • Well at least I got one

  • Only two pan lovers responded to my trivia questions; so here are the answers.

    The four history making items at panorama 1987 was (1) The first time a band won playing "an own tune" (2) The first time an arranger won with his own tune (3) Phase II/"Boogsie" scored 487 points out of 500, the highest aggregate from a five panel judging system (4) It was the first time that a female sang the winning panorama tune


    The feat that Len "Boogsie" Sharpe accomplished in 1987 and has been done since!

    His arrangements won the North Zone, Tobago Zone and both Traditional and National Panorama Finals.

    I would like someone to challenge me with a trivia question. (lol)

  • One is...the first band to win Panorama with their own tune...before that the closest was Ray Holman's third with Starlift in 1972...(I think)
  • Somebody please answer. I'm anxious to know the answers myself!
  • The Panorama performance of Phase II's, "This felling nice,"  in 1987 was history making in (4) ways.           Can you name them?

    In that same year, Len "Boogsie" Sharpe accomplished a feat that has never been duplicated since.

    Can you also state what that feat was?

    I will give away (2) of my books if your answers are complete.

  • This is definitely one of Len Sharpes' better arrangements
  • yeah........dis feelin nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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