"Play Yourself" - Trinidad All-Stars (2012 Panorama SemiFinals)

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The Neal & Massy Trinidad All-Stars. Arranged by Leon "Smooth" Edwards. Large Band category. `

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  • no  need for comments  the  music says it all

  • ok ok ok ok no comment

  • Congrats All Stars...You are the best. Great Performance both at Semis and Finals Well deserved. Gail Rambally

  • Congrats All Stars on winning Panorama 2012. Fantastic presentation for the Finals.



    I am Calling My Shot!! -  I have no doubt that Trinidad All Stars are the best and in a class of their own.   Yet, I would not be at all surprised if the title of Panorama Champions is given, I repeat, GIVEN to Phase 2.  Why?  Phase 2 is playing a song that is dedicated to one of Pan great supporters.  If history is an indicator of patterns, I believe that the judges would give it to Phase 2.  Remember, Phase 2 won playing a tribute to Clive Bradley. To be fair, I actually like Phase 2's semifinal Offering.  It was certainly a vast improvement on their Prelims rendition.  Let me be clear - All Stars is the bench mark - Phase 2's performance runs second, at best, to All Stars.  Many pan fans can attest that based on the All Stars "Offerings" of the Panoramas from 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 - the judges seem to work hard to find another band to give the title to instead of conceding that All Stars is heads, shoulders, knees and toes above all other bands.  I know some people would say that arguments could be made for every year but I limit myself to these years because many other non-All Stars fans consistenly refer to these occasions as obvious flaws in the judges’ decisions.   Of course, it is entirely possible that another band might just come up with some magic that turns the judges’ heads.  But for now, I have Phase 2 as the prime suspects to be judges’ accomplices for Panorama 2012.  Enjoy the competition everyone. 

  • Within these established parameters it is no wonder why I am a dedicated Trinidad All Stars fan.  To incorporate a religious ideology “God is Great!  Man, made in God’s image, is good.  Life is about the constant pursuit of Greatness.”  Trinidad All Stars humbly and gloriously embodies this ideology.   

  • Panorama is not just about having a good time.  It is about two things:  1. The Offering and 2. The Pursuit of Perfection.  We have to remember that from its creation, our ancestors gave their very lives and literally shed their blood and tears to advance the pan till it became a true gift to the world and our proudest symbol of our culture and very existence.  Therefore we must view the Panorama competition as a glorious opportunity to remember, honour and celebrate the struggle of our people.  Every band is making an Offering – in other words, to our forefathers, we honour thee with this chosen rendition.  Within that Offering should be evidence of the Pursuit of Perfection. The Pursuit of Perfection in the Panorama Offering must be on the same level as you would be expected at a classical music competition with the best bands from around the world. Simply put nothing but perfection should be acceptable.   When you think about pan and Panorama in this context, it transforms and evolves the debates to a more purposeful and really the truest question  - “Which band truly provided the best example of the Pursuit of Perfection in their Offering?” 

  • @Anthony your attempt to rationalize your ignorance is pathetic. While I respect everyone's right to their opinion your condescending remarks are indications of a vulgar personality. You seem incapable of organizing your thoughts in any coherent way that would allow people to take you seriously. You are obviously lost in "your big world", if you can't bite don't show your teeth.  As someone who claims to have played music under Leon Edwards you missed his most consistent lesson -  never disrespect, class all the way. 

  • Ok All Stars fanatics no need to attack me,i'm entitled to my opinion and I don't launch personal attacks on people.FYI i've played music with Leon Edwards before and have nothing personal against him I enjoy some of his work but when a band is playing music that has no sense of direction and flavour I call it as i'ts heard.Call me what you like music is music and any time you have to force yourself to understand what is being played somethings wrong........I support the band with the best musical presentation to win so< HATING> is no benefit to me just want to hear good constructive music,sorry to be offensive fanatics just try and expand your horizon a little and listen to the young arrangers hear what they are doing.In conclusion I did say if the judges like it keep on playing it,so my wonderful people have fun and good luck in your little world.   .....PEACE OUT !!!

  • Anthony Joseph, based on your comments, you do not have an appreciation of different styles of music. You should know that no music is painful to the ear or considered noise unless you are listening to Elephant man or Movado in a panorama setting. Arrangers have their styles, whether its ramajaying on the same bassline for 64 bars or playing chromatics creatively. Stop the hating, this is just good compeition. It makes me wonder whats your style......if any..... :-D
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