Play Yourself - Trinidad All Stars Panorama Preliminary 2012.mp4

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Panorama 2012 preliminary performance by Trinidad All Stars of 'Play Yourself' sung by Crazy, composed by Clive Telemaque, arranged by Leon 'Smooth' Edwards....

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  • all stars really bring the excitement to panorama , bring on the semi final video like yesterday please

  • i knew prelims was a teaser for semifinals, now on to the finals,  but i know phase 11 gunning for us, but how exodus only five points behind

  • Guys this is only the pan yard version wait till you hear what Smooth and Terry did for later today and then lets comment as I said before All Stars by 1/2 a point. We are going to repeat 

  • then u not listening to whats being done in the middle and back ground..Listen

  • Kevin I agree but in doing so the song is lost.I'm listening to "I'm playing my self" all his arrangement is embedded in this an in doing so strayed from the song.


  • A little disappointing from All Stars for me a gud arrangement like wat i hear from  the background pans but there really isnt a story being told in this arrangement for me.

  • All Stars Forever.... Win, Lose or Draw!!!!

  • Okay, for all the All Stars haters be gone, this band do not dwell on the negative comments nor the bashing, they play to enjoy themselves and provide good music to the people. For those who thinks that the runs are excessive.........BITE US
  • From all that i´ve heard so far.(And thanks to WST for giving me this actuell possibility here in Europe) I had to listen to this ah second time.Fantastic.

  • This is the most difficult arrangements I can recall ever laid down by an arranger Much respect to the fine musicans that is Trinidad All Stars lots more to come

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