Queen In West Indies - Technicolor (1966)

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Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, walking along red carpet towards Parliament building, dignitaries in robes follow her. She has come to open the Parliament in Trinidad and Tobago. Queen enters the Parliament, delegates rise from seats. Several shots of the Queen reading her speech. Prince Philip seated next to the Queen. Queen and Prince Philip waving from balcony, crowd cheering. Various shots of the dignitaries at Garden Party in the Governor's house. Several shots of women in fashionable clothes and hats arriving to the party. Various shots of the party, people walking around, chatting - some great hats seen. Queen and Duke with several dignitaries on balcony watching the preview of the upcoming Carnival. Calypso band playing as they walk past. Various shots of the people in colourful costumes dancing in procession on the street - great costumes and happy music. Queen and Duke watching the procession. More shots of the procession. Queen and Duke saying goodbye to the dignitaries on their departure of Trinidad. They enter car and drive off. Huge crowd cheering as the Queen and Duke drive in the open car on departure. People running after the car, waving and cheering.

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  • Glenroy ... Ian is a novice when it comes to your knowledge... Ting Tang was 1966, not 1965 and you are right again with Guinness Cavaliers. I remember it well. I was young then but it was something you could not forget. I remember my Grandfather and Mother going to the ceremony... He, at the time, was a Superintendent of Police.  

  • Yes Glenroy,

                          That was my sentiments exactly about "My Pussin."

    I can now bring closure to "my logical mind."  I just spoke to the first 9-bass pannist who  played the 6-bass for Desperadoes in 1966. He said that the band performed for the Duke and Queen at Governor's House in 1966 and the melody "Land of Hope and Glory" that Beverly Griffith spliced into "Ting Tang" was in honour of the Royal Couple.  He reminded me that long time calypsoes were released much earlier than today.

    As far as Kitchener's "Ting Tang" being released before the Royal Couple were here, he wrote it in advance (lol)

    Keep the music coming.

  • Watching the video once again, and I'm convinced that the music isn't the original , but was probably added to the video later .
    I remember that there were several steelbands , and the brass band definitely doesn't sound like a mid sixties band.
    Guinness probably was playing "Ting Tang" when the film was taken.

  • Thanks Glenroy,

                               I have to accept my error, because dates do not lie. One of the flaws in my character is that my logical mind sometimes leads the reality (lol). I did not think Cavaliers would have performed a tune from the prior year and since the the year of this visit is {circa February 7th 1966} I can not fathom how the Lord Kitchener could write D King & D Queen comin ting tang record it, give to the airways so bands like Cavaliers and Desperadoes could learn and play it at carnival 21st & 22nd of 1966. That is the reason for me stating 1965.  

    I am happy that you followed up; history must not be distorted, BUT (lol).   

  • You ARE wrong, Ian. I remember the occasion well.
    It was a couple weeks before Carnival.
    I remember hearing it said that "town" panmen were very impressed with the power of Cavaliers, since, it was also around panorama time.( Actually it was said that they were scared)
    That year was the famous "panorama in de rain", and That year Guinness played "My Brother Your Sister": for Panorama but they also played "Ting Tang" on the road.

    As a matter of fact, Guiness had won Panorama the year before, and one of our boys from Marabella "deserted " us by joining Cavaliers.

    From then on , we called him "TingTang"

    The historical records show that the Queen visited Trinidad from the 7th to the 10th of February, 1966.

    There was no record of a visit in 1965.
    Carnival that year was two weeks later, on the 21st and 22nd of February, 1966.

    Google it, if you don't believe me.

    And yes, they are playing "My Pussin in the video.

  • Thanks Glenroy,

                                 I think you are incorrect and that is rare (lol)

    (1) The tune that Cavaliers is performing on that video is "My Pussin" which was the road march in 1965.

    (2) Desperadoes recorded "Ting Tang"  on their 1966 double album.

    As I stated before, the lyrics for the chorus of "Ting Tang" is "Ting tang mammy the Duke & the Queen coming," so Lord Kitchener had to have written "Ting Tang" in 1965 (lol)

  • I think you're wrong, Ian ( and that is rare :) )
    . I'm sure it was sixty six.
    And Kitch's calypso was actually before the visit and the tune was also played for the Queen by Cavaliers.

    Though they won panorama in 65, they weren't as well established, but by 66 they were a powerhouse.

    I remember how they had town talking with their powerful, bass heavy version of "Ting Tang".

    I wasn't there but one of my closest friends ( a civil servant back then) was, and he told me about the excitement Guinness created in "town" with their power.

  • Thanks Pan Times, I enjoyed the Colour (lol) I think the year was 1965, not 1966. Why! Well Lord Kitchener's

    "Ting Tang" {Mammy D Duke and D Queen coming} was released in 1966.

    Also, Cavaliers is playing "My Pussin"

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