Queen of the Bands

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Queen of the Bands by Slinger "Mighty Sparrow" Francisco played by University of Iowa's PanAmerican Steelband.

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  • Dr. Dan Moore is the percussion teacher at the University of Iowa. We usually have Alan Coyle tune for us and My self, Dan Moore, and a couple of the other graduate students do all of the arranging (obviously not this one though). Iowa doesn't offer a pan degree and I'm not sure if/when they will but we take pan very seriously here and have a bunch of really good players.

  • Nice , hey Glenroy. Two questions. , do you know who is the pan tuner and who is their teacher and arranger ? The. First university where I heard you can get your masters on pan was in Chicago where Liam Teague studied , Ian so glad so many more universities are offering this programme now . I remember the days when you had to be a bad john to play pan ,Look how far we have come .BE PROUD PEOPLE .
  • I recognised Ray Holman's intro from the beginning and to the end.

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